These are finely ground quartz crystals specially prepared. The crystal should be of good quality, shape and clear. It is buried similarly to preparation BD500 but this time it is buried during the summertime (buried in April/May and lifted in September/ October). This is the period when the earth is breathing out and the cosmic light energy is most active (summer).

Cow horn
- Powdered crystalline quartz (SiO2). Silica quartz crystal – should be clear and well-formed.
- Average 200-300 gms powdered quartz crystal/horn
- Crush silica quartz using a pounding rod, a mortar and pestle, or a hammer
- Grind to a fine powder between 2 plate glasses
– First glass – 12” square and 9 mm thick with a wooden frame.
– Second glass – 4” square glass plate mounted in a wooden block (handle). - Ensure that the quartz dust is not inhaled as it could lead to silicosis. Masks should be provided while making the preparation.
- Moisten with water to make a stiff paste
- Fill horns with the silica paste
Bury horns in a sandpit. The base of the pit shall be of a layer of sand, the horns are to be put 1 inch apart with the base downwards, surrounded with 50% compost and fertile soil from March/April (spring equinox) to September-October (autumn equinox
In Malaysia, horn silica can be prepared from March/April and remains in the earth (over summer) for six months until September-October.

- Alternatively, crush and grind the quartz with a pestle and mortar. Sieve the powder from quartz and repeat several times to get very fine powder.
- Mix the quartz powder with clean water to form a thick paste.
- Fill into the cow horn. Let it stay still for a day. Excess water will rise to the top.
- Remove the excess water and the horns topped up with quartz paste. Before burying, the paste should be of solid consistency.
- Prepared a pit 50-60cm deep.
- Place the horn with the opening facing down on a layer of the sand base. You may seal the horns with clay. Each horn must be surrounded by soil.
- The pit is covered with soil. If the surrounding soil is not in good condition, fermented compost can be used.
- Cover the surface with a thick layer of mulch to prevent drying up.
- Mark the pit clearly with wood or stick with details written clearly (date, numbers of horns and time to harvest).
- Keep an eye on the pit from time to time. Weeding and re-mulching when needed.
After about six months the horns can be dug up.
- Lifting the horns at the marked place with tools.
- Clean the horns carefully.
- Remove the content by tapping the horns on a stone. A spoon or spatula can be used to help to remove the remaining preparations inside the horns.
- Put the horn silica in a clean container.
- Store the horn silica.
The silica preparation can be kept in a clean, transparent glass jar and stored in a bright place or an open area exposed to sunlight or catches the morning sun. Alternatively, it is possible to leave the preparation in the horns until the silica preparation is used. The horns should be placed in a light and sunny position. The silica preparation should never be stored in the dark. As long as the preparation remains dry it can be used for many years.
- Enhances light metabolism, photosynthesis and chlorophyll
- Helps to improve color, aroma, flavor and keeping quality of plants
Summary Of BD 502-HORN SILICA Preparations
Group | A Polarity |
Code | BD501 |
Ingredient | Cow Horn, Silica |
Descriptions | Light and Warmth polarity: Horn Silica is made from ground quartz crystals; it is buried in the horns over summer. Only a tiny amount is used to take the light forces into the roots and to aid photosynthesis. |