Jake, he is current Vice President of MDA Youth Section and PGS Committee Member.
In 2015, Jake graduated with a bachelor’s degree in biotechnology. At the age of 22, he decided to become a freshman farmer after he stepped out from campus. Then follow in the footsteps of IPMT Malaysia and start to understand biodynamic agriculture. Since 2017, he has assisted IPMT in Malaysia as the translator and class leader of Mr. Jakes Jayakaran from India for several training sessions. Step by step slowly from classroom to practice on the farm. In 2019, he started HILLSIDE ORGANICS in his own garden. More than 30 kinds of tropical fruits and vegetables have been planted today.
Jake 是现任MDA 副主席 青年组,PGS 委员。
2015年蔡骏行毕业于本科生物科技,当时22岁的他一踏出校园就选择回归土地这条路,勇往直前当一名彻头彻尾的新生农夫。之后跟随马来西亚IPMT的脚步开始认识生物动力农业。从2017年开始,协助马来西亚IPMT当了几届来自印度的Jakes Jayakaran 老师的翻译员与班长。一步一步慢慢的从课堂到实践在农场。于2019年开始在自家的园地里开创了小山坡有机园(HILLSIDE ORGANICS)。现今已经种植了30多种热带水果以及蔬菜。