About 400 – 500 deciduous or evergreen tree and shrub species belong to the genus Quercus. They are widespread in Europe, North and Central America and large parts of Eurasia, China, Southeast Asia, and parts of the Mediterranean, including North Africa. Quercus has been introduced to other areas, e.g. Australia, South Africa, and Zimbabwe.
Oak trees (a.k.a. Quercus Robur) prefers fertile, nutrient-rich, and well-watered clay soils. As young trees, they tolerate moderate shade, but with increasing age, the trees need plenty of light. Oak trees can reach a height of up to 35 m. They are long-lived trees and may live hundreds of years. In
northern America the bark of the native White Oak, Quercus alba, is often used, in northern India, it is the bark of Q. dilatate.
Description of plants: In India Quercus glauca is found in Nainital. The Ca % of the three varieties: Robor= 2.5%, Incana= 1.5% and Dilitata=5%.
Effect on plants: The oak bark provides a connection between the living and dead as the tree is itself living but the bark is dead. This is very effective against plant diseases as preparation is placed in water which has weeds and damaged plant material infested with pathogens. The pH is also increased when this preparation is used.
In the northern hemisphere, the mature acorns fall to the ground in October. Acorns are best collected and sown at this time. Germination takes place about 4 – 6 weeks after sowing.
For the preparation, the bark of oak trees is used. The trees should not be too old. There are several ways to collect the bark.
The most common practice is to collect the bark directly from the living tree. The oak should have a trunk diameter of 25-50 cm. Before removing the bark, the trunk must be thoroughly cleaned of lichen and moss with a wire brush. A cloth is placed around the cleaned trunk to collect the bark. The outer layer of the bark is carefully harvested with the help of a drawknife and wood rasps. Take care not to remove too much bark, as this may damage the tree. Using a fine grater or a coarse file, the outermost bark layer can be finely crushed and collected in a cloth.
Another possibility is to use a drawknife to peel o$ the bark in thin layers directly from the tree. Then the bark pieces are crushed in an iron mortar or coffee mill. Alternatively, branches with a diameter of 15 – 25 cm can be sawn off directly from older trees. The bark can be peeled later. Here, too, the branches must first be cleaned with a wire brush. Working with rasps and rough files, the bark is collected in a cloth.

The bark is filled into the skull (bone vessel) of a domestic animal. The skulls of cows, horses, sheep, or goats are suitable. Depending on the size of the animal, a cow skull can hold an average of 250 grams of bark, a sheep or goat skull about 90 grams. If possible, the skulls should come from one ‘s farm.
There are two possibilities for how to use the skulls. Either the skulls of freshly slaughtered animals are used directly and filled with bark, or the skulls are cleaned before use.
If you want to use the fresh skull you need to remove the brain from its cavity. This can be done with the help of some small tools and water. To remove the fresh from skulls, put them in compost for a few days, protected from stray dogs or rats. The biological activity in the compost ensures that the skulls are cleaned within a very short time.
Alternatively, fresh skulls can be put into a plastic barrel filled with sawdust and compost. The link between the skull and bark is their calcium properties. Further, it is the Ca formation and the skull formation that takes place first in the case of the development of the embryo.
In Malaysia, the bark is put into the animal skull in September- October.
- Moisten the crushed oat bark with some water.
- Fill the bark into the brain cavity through the occipital hole.
- Close the opening with a piece of wood or stone or a well-shaped bone piece.
- Put the skull into an unglazed pot. Surround the pot with rotten, muddy plant material mixed with soil.
- Place the above-unglazed pot in a watery environment or bury it nearby a river or continuously flowing water area. It is advisable to be placed in a watery environment with weeds and plant muck which would have been damaged by the local diseases that affect the crop. This helps build up the resistance of the plants and follows the principles of Homeopathy. It should be placed in a location where there is an exchange of water such as a rain drain/swamp.
- Mark the pit with dates and detailed labels.

In Malaysia, the preparations are harvested in March/April.
- It should be noted that a foul smell is emitted on lifting the preparation and removing it from the skull.
- Remove the pot carefully from the place.
- Take out the skull carefully and remove all the dirt.
- Harvest the preparation with the help of a spoon or wire from the brain cavity. The preparation is a brownish-reddish color. The smell gradually reduces after drying in a dark dry place. Fungi may form. Turn over frequently to prevent fungus build up. It must be stored in a cool and dark place, preferably in a wooden box with double walls from all sides. It can be filled in jars, glazed earthenware pots, ceramic vessels, or glass containers. The vessels must not be airtight. The preparation should be stored alone and surrounded by a layer of dry peat or coco peat of at least
- 5cm thick.
Summary Of BD 505-OAK BARK Preparations
Group | B Biocatalyst |
Code | BD505 |
Ingredient | Oak Bark, Skull of domestic animal |
Descriptions | Helps restore balance when water activity is working too strongly, such as after lots of rain or at full moon. It also helps protect against fungal disease. Helps calcium and phosphorus work into the earth in a living form. |