Biodynamic Preparations

Dandelion (a.k.a. Taraxacum Offcinale) is an herbaceous perennial growing from a thick, unbranched taproot.

The plants have a basal rosette of leaves, smooth, hollow stems, with a solitary golden-yellow flower head, composed only of ray flowers.

All vegetative parts of the plant contain a milky latex. The plant prefers sunny locations and grows in all soil types, but especially well in clay soil.

Meadows and pastures rich in nitrogen are preferred. Originally native and widespread throughout the temperate climate zone, dandelions are now found all over the world in different climate zones. With sufficient soil moisture dandelion even thrives in the tropics.

Description of plants: The flower belongs to the Composite family. As a flower of Jupiter, it has a crystalline, silicic, cosmic form in a perfect sphere.

Effect plants: Due to the sensitive nature of the flower, Steiner suggests that when added it provides an opening and a kind of sensitivity to the cosmos. This provides silica for plant development.

Medicinal value: Leaves stimulate liver activity


The easiest and fastest way to propagate is with root cuttings. Cuttings should be pencil-thick and about 5 – 10 cm long. Root cuttings can be placed in furrows and covered with 5 cm of soil. Plant and row spacing approx. 20 – 25 cm. Dandelion can also be propagated from seeds. Germination period 7 – 10 days. The seeds should only be covered with a little bit of soil and then lightly pressed. Dandelions tend to self-seed vigorously. Cultivation: descending moon. Plant in Aug/ Sept. Mulch to control weed.


The blossom opens when the sun shines on it in the morning. With rising temperatures and sunshine, more and more flowers open. On a sunny day, the flowers may already be closed by midday.

As the open flowers quickly go to seed, some rules must be strictly observed: To produce the preparation, only the flowers that still have “closed centers” should be harvested. The best time is just as the flowers begin to open, i.e., before they are completely open. The flowering depends very much on the weather and temperatures.

On hot days with intense sunshine, this can be early in the morning, between 8:30 and 9:30 a.m. The flowers can already begin to close around noon. In other places harvesting can take place around 10:00 a.m.; when the petals are upright, and the crown is still closed in the center. If harvesting is done too late, when the flowers are fully opened, they will develop white fluffy seed heads. These are not suitable for preparation. Even during drying, flowers that have been harvested too late go to seed.

In most cases, the flowers are dried for preparation. For this purpose, they are spread out in a thin layer in an airy place. Turning the flowers during the drying process is recommended. The drying ratio is 5:1. Fresh flowers, slightly dried, can be used immediately to make the preparation. The dried dandelion can be stored in an airtight container.


Use the mesentery of the cow. The flower is very sensitive to light and hence it is placed in the mesentery of a cow, which itself is sensitive. Ensure that extra fat is cut o$ because too much fat can affect the quality negatively. Do not wash the mesentery. Place the dried flowers in the mesentery and wrap them into a parcel and tie with a jute thread. Alternatively using the mesentery (Peritoneum intermedium and P. viscerale) that encloses the small intestine is another option. The mesentery attached to the small intestine is a double-walled peritoneum. The mesentery is pulled apart in two halves right up to the intestine. Separated from the peritoneum the intestine can be pulled out. Work is a lot easier when done in pairs: One person holds the peritoneum halves, the other carefully pulls out the intestine. Now you gain “pockets” which can be filled with dandelion flowers.


In Malaysia, the Dandelion is prepared in September- October.

  1. Moisten the dried flowers with water.
  2. Press the flowers into a ball and fill into the omentum or wrap the flowers in the mesentery.
  3. Wrap the ball or the parcel and tie it with string.
  4. Put the tied mesentery /omentum into an unglazed pot and cover it with fertile soil.
  5. Place the pot carefully into the prepared pit and cover with compost or a good mixture of soil.
  6. Mark the pit.


In Malaysia, the preparations are harvested in March/April.

  1. Lift the preparation carefully from the pit.
  2. Remove the soil carefully in the pot. While lifting the preparation, the mesentery or often the sheaths may or may not be seen.
  3. Exact out the preparation. Be heedful when slicing the balls (pockets) or the parcel to remove the preparation. The yellow color of the flowers can still be seen. If fattier parts had been used the dandelion flowers are usually slightly less transformed. Sometimes the preparation has a slightly acidic smell, but this disappears quickly.
  4. Store the preparation appropriately. It must be stored in a cool and dark place, preferably in a wooden box with double walls from all sides. It can be filled in jars, glazed earthenware pots, ceramic vessels, or glass containers. The vessels must not be airtight. The preparation should be stored alone and surrounded by a layer of dry peat or coco peat of at least 5cm thick.

Summary Of BD 506-DANDELION Preparations

GroupB Biocatalyst
DescriptionsStimulates the potassium/silica bacteria and fungi in the soil to enable it to work more effectively. Silica makes the plant more inwardly sensitive. Can help increase flowering and filling of fruit out to tips. Also
stimulates magnesium, boron, and selenium
soil activity.