Steven Leong 梁晉畅

Steven is an agricultural graduate of Osaka Kinki University of Japan. With his vast experience in Japan, he returned to Malaysia to embark on a career as an organic farmer 26 years ago.
He is also the principal agent of the Shimamoto Microbial Agricultural Method in Southeast Asia and is an expert in agricultural beneficial microbes.
Steven has great expertise in the production of compost and organic fertilizer. He lectures widely and guides organic farmers on 0rganic farming selflessly.
他毕业于日本大阪近畿大学的农业系。在日本累计了丰富经 验后,他在 26 年前回到马来西亚,开始了有机农民的生涯。
他也是岛本微生物农业法(Shimamoto Microbial Agriculture) 在东南亚的主要代理人,是农业有益微生物的专家。
梁晉畅同时专长于生产堆肥和有机肥。他广泛地进行演讲, 并无私地指导有机农民进行有机耕作。