Vivien How is the senior lecturer at the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), and an associate researcher at the Institute for Social Sciences Studies, UPM. She is a certified (Chemical) Health Risk assessor registered with the Malaysian Department of Occupational Safety and Health and a certified trainer with the Malaysian Red Crescent Society. Her research niche is Agricultural Health/Medicine, in which her research focuses on anticipation, recognition, diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and community health aspects of health problems peculiar to agricultural populations.
Since 2017, her passion and enthusiasm for transdisciplinary collaboration have led to her being appointed as a Young Scientist for Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) (an Interdisciplinary Research Programme co-sponsored by the United Nations Office for Disaster Reduction, UNDRR), young fellow for Climate Tracker, facilitator for UNESCO’s Future Literacy Lab – Disaster Risk Reduction (FLL-DRR), and facilitator for Ship for Southeast Asian and Japanese Youth Program (SSEAYP). Today, she is a member of National Disaster Management Malaysian Red Crescent Society, a young scientist with Academic Science Malaysia and a young professional with U-Inspire Malaysia/Alliance (an alliance working in Science, Engineering, Technology, and Innovation (SETI) to support disaster risk reduction and resilience building). This year, she is awarded as 2022 YSEALI Professional Fellows Program (YSEALI – PFP) in Sustainable Development and the Environment, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.
侯薇雯是马来西亚博特拉大学(UPM)环境与职业健康系的高级讲师,也是该大学社 会科学研究所的副研究员。与此同时,她是马来西亚职业安全与健康部 (DOSH, Malaysia) 注册的认证化学健康风险评估师和马来西亚红新月会认证培训师。她的研究 领域是农业健康,研究重点是农业人口特有的健康问题的预测、识别、诊断、治疗、 预防和社区健康方面。
自 2017 年以来,她对跨学科合作的热忱使她被认属和加入国际不同科研团队,包括灾 害风险综合研究 (IRDR) 青年科学团队(由联合国减灾办公室联合赞助的跨学科研究计 划,UNDRR),气候追踪者奖学金,联合国教科文组织未来扫盲实验室 – 减少灾害风 险 (FLL-DRR) 的成员,以及东南亚和日本青年船舶计划 (SSEAYP) 的推动成员。她也是马 来西亚红新月会国家灾害管理协会的成员、马来西亚学术科学的年轻科学家和 U- Inspire Malaysia/Alliance(一个致力于支持灾害的科学、工程、技术和创新联盟(SETI)的年轻专业人士)风险降低和复原力建设)。今年,她被授予美国国务院教育 和文化事务局赞助的 2022 年 YSEALI 可持续发展与环境专业研究员计划(YSEALI –PFP)。